Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Mike Brown: "I got the skillz."

Are we officially playing the blame game now?
"My biggest mistake was not recognizing by Saturday that Louisiana was dysfunctional," two days before the storm hit, Brown told the panel.
Of course, he also seemed to not recognize this "fact" Sunday... or Monday... or Tuesday... or Wednesday... or.. well, you get the point. What a douchebag.
"I'm happy you left," said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn. "That kind of look in the lights like a deer tells me you weren't capable of doing that job."
It's good to see Republicans saying things like this, though they'll still continue sucking the Bushco teat and following single-file into the gates of hell.

But it gets better.
Brown in his opening statement said he had made several "specific mistakes" in dealing with the storm, and listed two.

One, he said, was not having more media briefings.
Yeah, thousands of people suffering and dying due to a lack of anything resembling a RESPONSE PLAN... not so much a mistake, but more of an unfortunate accident I guess.

I suspect he'll be getting the Presidential Medal of Honor within the hour.


Blogger s. said...

Mad skillz the blog-spammers!

6:58 AM  

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