Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Tom DeLay: "I am an evil motherfucker"

"It's the local officials trying to handle the problem. When they can't handle the problem, they go to the state, and the state does what they can to, and if they need assistance from FEMA and the federal government they ask for it and it's delivered," DeLay said.

He added that Alabama and Mississippi did a much better job of responding quickly than Louisiana. Alabama and Mississippi have Republican governors.
These people have no shame. Lies, lies, and more lies. Yet they claim to be good Christians. Look, I'm not religious at all, but to quote Woody Allen: "If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in His name, He'd never stop throwing up." If there is a hell, there's a special place reserved for these assholes and those who continue to support and defend them. The Bushco apologists are just as bad as the administration itself. Without them, this shit wouldn't be possible.

I wonder how well Bush supporters sleep at night. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Write your Congressmen and demand they investigate.


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