Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Wish This Man was President

Howard Dean (via kos):
"Based on today's reports, it seems clear that President Bush's visit today is just another callous political move crafted by Karl Rove. It's just appalling to see how quickly President Bush and Karl Rove have mobilized a political strategy in their own defense, but simply failed to mobilize a swift response to either keep the people in the Gulf Coast region safe in the first place or aid the victims in the aftermath of the storm.

"Thousands of people have lost their lives. Our nation faces difficult times as we address the painful aftermath of Katrina, yet President Bush is worried about shifting blame and passing the buck? Shouldn't he be worried about restoring stability, plans to evacuate survivors, and ensuring that our communities have the resources they need to help the victims of this tragedy rebuild their lives? Now is a time for leadership not partisanship. This is one failure we will not allow Rove and the GOP attack machine to spin away with their usual barrage of photo-ops, misinformation, smear campaigns and press conferences."
As Dean usually is, he's bang on. I just hope more Democrats step up to the plate and don't puss out. I'm sick of hearing, "This isn't the time to play politics" rhetoric. Guess what? Politics gutted FEMA and politics are responsible for thousands of deaths. Bush & co. decided to play politics with this long ago, so there's no take-backs now.

We really shot ourselves in the foot when we didn't hand Dean the Democratic nomination.


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